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No Open Banking

The largest country by area in mainland Southeast Asia.

A graphic image showing world countries and border lines in different shades of blue, Myanmar is made prominent being filled in orange colour.

In 2022, 43% of the population used the internet.

48% of adults in Myanmar had bank accounts in 2021, leaving 52% unbanked.

The military coup of February 2021 led to a banking crisis in Myanmar. The State Administration Council (SAC) shut down mobile data, public wifi and fixed wireless internet services, leaving people reliant on cash payments. A civil disobedience movement meant most bank staff refused to work, and payroll services stopped. Myanmar residents started hoarding US dollars and gold, although both were in short supply. By May 2021, the United Nations was warning that the coup might lead to half of the nation living in poverty

Myanmar ranked 115th out of 134 countries in Wiley’s Digital Skills Global Index 2021.