Singapore is a digitally advanced country, with 98% of residents having access to the internet, and being the home to the fastest broadband in the world (as of 2019).
The government agency, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) reports that 64% of people used the internet for banking in 2020, a small growth from 60% in 2018.
Despite the high levels of digital literacy, there are warnings that the small numbers of digitally excluded residents could become more isolated and underprivileged if they are ignored while the rest of Singapore continues its digital advancement. The people being left behind are typically made up of low-income households, the elderly, low-income adults and migrant workers.
The IMDA has several programmes for digital readiness, such as the Home Access Programme, offering bundled options for fibre broadband with a tablet or smartphone. Since it started in 2014, the programme has helped more than 14,000 people.