The Jordan Open Finance Standards aim to simplify and streamline the workflow models within the financial industry and help fintech startups integrate with other financial institutions using a unified set of APIs, alleviating the burden of using multiple APIs tailored to each financial institution’s requirements as they all vary in data models, structures, infrastructure and systems utilized.

The Jordan Open Finance Standards
Jordan Payments & Clearing Company
– Target Financial Institutions: The Open Finance instructions apply to all banks and Payment Service Providers (PSPs) holding licences in Jordan.
– Enforceability: It is mandatory for all financial institutions to allow TPPs access to customer data via APIs after obtaining customer consent.
– API Scope: TPPs can access various types of customer account data, including transaction data, account information, and other relevant data.
– Target TPPs: This includes both Account Information Service Providers (AISPs), which access customer data, and Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs), which facilitate third-party providers in offering payment services.
– Technical and Security Requirements: The responsibility for establishing and documenting technical and security standards for Open Finance services, based on best practices, lies with banks and PSPs.
– Open Finance Policy: Both banks and PSPs must create comprehensive documented policies addressing security aspects, data sharing, and contracting with TPPs, including defining the roles and responsibilities of boards and executive managers in relation to Open Finance services.
– Risk Management: Banks and PSPs must identify, manage, and monitor risks associated with TPP contracts and provide Open Finance services.
– Authentication: Banks and PSPs are required to conduct due diligence with TPPs to verify their identity. The instructions also encompass data privacy and consumer protection requirements.
– Commercialisation: Banks and PSPs are allowed to monetise their APIs but there is currently no guidance in terms of fees and pricing.
Active API
– Account information
– Extended services
– Payment initiation services
– Product information
Financial Institutions
Confirmation Of Funds
API Specifications